
Dave Elliott’s Love Notes newsletters are meant to be quick tips that can be read and digested in less than 5 minutes. The goal is always to educate, inspire and share some kind of distinction or breakthrough that is both actionable and achievable for the reader. Of course, they’re always written with one simple goal: we simply want to serve and benefit our loyal clients, fans and friends.


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In addition to his own private blog, Dave is also a highly-respected contributing author on the popular Your Tango platform.

Scroll through Dave’s Your Tango articles here
October 15, 2013

How do you trust again after heartbreak?

Here’s a powerful reminder that it doesn’t have to be nearly as hard as it feels Recently I had a client share with me a whole series of disappointing stories about how her relationships had all come to an end through one means or another. That’s when she asked me that magic question: “so how am I ever going to […]
October 2, 2013

You’re Either Victim – Or Victor. Why You Can’t Have It Both Ways.

How One Woman Stopped Feeling “Less Than” And Started Calling In More… We all have disappointments and hurts in life: Things that didn’t work out. People that let you down or hurt you. Goals that haven’t materialized. The thing is – nothing has any meaning except for the meaning you give it. Those who develop the skill to find the […]
May 28, 2013

What happened to the sweet, romantic guy I married?!?

Times…and people…change. So how do you keep growing in the same direction? What happens when that sweet guy you married has seemingly run out of sweet things to say? Recently, I got a call from a friend who was upset that her husband was no longer saying all the nice things or complimenting her like he used to when they […]
May 6, 2013

Do you know your value?

This simple question will not only turn around a troubled relationship. It’ll turn around your life. It seems like I have so many clients right now whose current challenges all lead back to one unmistakable root. They simply don’t know their own value. In one case, it’s a bullying partner who undermines my client’s self-confidence and very sanity, then blames […]
March 9, 2013

Love vs Control – which one do you REALLY want?

You probably can’t have both – so choose very carefully & know you’re making a choice Recently I got an email from a friend who also happens to be a very good coach as well. She asked me a really great question privately and since my goal is to always provide value for my readers in this forum, I thought […]
October 1, 2012

How do you know when it’s time to go?

When it comes to Relationship Red Flags, just look for The R.I.N.G.S.™ Anyone who knows my work by now shouldn’t be surprised when I share a brand new acronym that can improve your relationships. Of course, an acronym is a great way to chunk a larger amount of information that makes it more memorable, digestible and actionable. I have to […]
August 25, 2012

There’s a difference between hard-to-get and impossible-to-get

If you don’t like who you’ve become, it’s time to rediscover who you really ARE I got a new client recently who came to me because she got a good look at her own behavior and she didn’t like what she saw AT ALL. It seems she met up with a man she’s known for some time and it’s very […]
August 25, 2012

Be careful what you wish for…you just might get it

If you keep choosing the same type of partners – and it never seems to work out – you may want to take a step back and look at that Just the other day, I asked my new client to describe the kind of man she was looking for and let’s just say her answers were very revealing. She tried […]
July 3, 2012

Are you self-sabotaging your relationships?

How your hidden beliefs may be getting in the way of you having all the love you deserve I was speaking with a client just the other day who wanted to refer a friend who had just gone through a very difficult breakup. While she was explaining the situation to me, my client brought up a story about some mistakes […]
May 30, 2012

You’ll never make yourself weak enough 
to make someone else strong

If you think might makes right, you’ve got it all wrong I got a call the other day from a woman who had seen my posts in The Daily Love community and I thought her issue would be a good concept to share with you. Oftentimes, when I get the call, people are already at their wit’s end with a […]