
Dave Elliott’s Love Notes newsletters are meant to be quick tips that can be read and digested in less than 5 minutes. The goal is always to educate, inspire and share some kind of distinction or breakthrough that is both actionable and achievable for the reader. Of course, they’re always written with one simple goal: we simply want to serve and benefit our loyal clients, fans and friends.


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In addition to his own private blog, Dave is also a highly-respected contributing author on the popular Your Tango platform.

Scroll through Dave’s Your Tango articles here
August 2, 2018

How To Get More Passion In Your Relationship

  What do you do when everything is great…except for your sex life? The answer might surprise you… Recently I answered a great question about how to get more sex – a very popular topic – in a singles forum with where I coach and since it garnered one hundred-plus responses in a day or two, I thought it would […]
April 21, 2018

How Do You Respond To Criticism?

There’s great value in understanding Emotional Intelligence & how you’re pre-wired to respond Ever since our recent PowerTeam meeting on the concept of Emotional Intelligence (thanks, Mike Shelah!), I have been considering the pre-conditioned responses from a range of individuals to what could be perceived as criticism and it’s been fascinating. I noticed immediately in the room that there was […]
September 30, 2015

How to find a better husband…inside the one you already have.

A lucky woman may find a great husband. A smart woman will create one. I want to share a wonderful success story of how one woman transformed her marriage and her life. And her husband doesn’t even know she did it…but he likes it. A lot. That woman is one of my clients. She came to me struggling in every […]
March 17, 2015

Are you ready to learn your lesson?

What if that thing that “always happens to you” is no coincidence? Recently I answered a question in an online forum where I coach and I thought it would be a valuable share here for my readers as well. The meme that generated the question said “Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson.” […]
March 2, 2015

Science Says One Good Turn…Will Keep You Together

Why One Good Turn Really DOES Deserve Another You’ve probably heard the old maxim that “One good turn deserves another” but what you might not know is that ancient piece of wisdom was first recorded in the year 1400! Basically, this well-known axiom defines what we also call “The Law of Reciprocation” which means that when one person does a […]
November 19, 2014

It took him 29 years to learn how to love his wife…

But the amazing part about it was that he never stopped trying… I’ve been working with a couple that I’ve come to admire so much and their story is so incredible, I wanted to share it here. They came to me after a pretty huge issue caused her to walk out…and that created the space for me to help them. […]
October 9, 2014

Why controlling your partner won’t work…but ENROLLING them will…

Here’s a R.A.D.I.C.A.L.™ solution for re-creating an effective partnership Have you ever had a situation where both you and your partner were at wit’s end when it comes to working together effectively? Have you ever wished your partner would just do what you wanted…the way that you wanted it…and when you wanted it? If so, I understand your frustration and […]
March 4, 2014

What if you’re not really at all who you think you are?

Once you strip off the mask of your “assumed identity,” you may just be surprised what you find beneath… I hope you’ll pardon the slightly cryptic nature of the headline but this may be one of the most exciting blogs I’ve ever written. It’s also potentially one of the most important ones you’ll ever read. Here’s why: I want to […]
October 15, 2013

How do you trust again after heartbreak?

Here’s a powerful reminder that it doesn’t have to be nearly as hard as it feels Recently I had a client share with me a whole series of disappointing stories about how her relationships had all come to an end through one means or another. That’s when she asked me that magic question: “so how am I ever going to […]
October 2, 2013

You’re Either Victim – Or Victor. Why You Can’t Have It Both Ways.

How One Woman Stopped Feeling “Less Than” And Started Calling In More… We all have disappointments and hurts in life: Things that didn’t work out. People that let you down or hurt you. Goals that haven’t materialized. The thing is – nothing has any meaning except for the meaning you give it. Those who develop the skill to find the […]