
Dave Elliott’s Love Notes newsletters are meant to be quick tips that can be read and digested in less than 5 minutes. The goal is always to educate, inspire and share some kind of distinction or breakthrough that is both actionable and achievable for the reader. Of course, they’re always written with one simple goal: we simply want to serve and benefit our loyal clients, fans and friends.


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In addition to his own private blog, Dave is also a highly-respected contributing author on the popular Your Tango platform.

Scroll through Dave’s Your Tango articles here
April 21, 2018

How Do You Respond To Criticism?

There’s great value in understanding Emotional Intelligence & how you’re pre-wired to respond Ever since our recent PowerTeam meeting on the concept of Emotional Intelligence (thanks, Mike Shelah!), I have been considering the pre-conditioned responses from a range of individuals to what could be perceived as criticism and it’s been fascinating. I noticed immediately in the room that there was […]