Are you making this big mistake that damages relationships?
June 20, 2013When It Comes To Great Relationships, Success Leaves C.L.U.E.S.™
August 23, 20135 years later, the plans I put in place have come together beyond anything I could have ever expected…which begs the question…where will you be 5 years from now?
As a coach, I can tell you for sure that human beings have an incredible tendency to overestimate what they can realistically accomplish in a day…while dramatically underestimating what they can accomplish in a year – or even in five years.
It is with this thought in mind that I write a blog that has been a half decade in the making. You see…August 1st…today…marks the 5th anniversary of my leaving behind a perfectly good corporate job where they paid me every 2 weeks, need it or not. Instead, I opted for the uncertainties of a life as an entrepreneur. Long ago, before I even started, I heard a statistic that said 90% of companies never make it past five years in business so it feels like I’ve broken a real milestone…and I am beyond grateful.
Not just surviving…but thriving…
I write this blog today as I celebrate an incredible end to my first 5 years in business. I am having my best year ever, creating content I am proud of and becoming a noted expert on several very popular relationship sites…all while serving clients I absolutely love and respect. Last night, I was one of the featured speakers at a packed house in my first international speaking engagement in the great city of London, England. The room was so full we had to move back the speaker’s tables before I even started so they could bring in more chairs. Standing by my side on that stage…was another dream come true that wasn’t in place 5 years ago. My girl, Katrina…who is my soulmate, my muse and one of my greatest gifts from God…she was there bringing her own beautiful skill, influence and heart to the content I developed. I never could have known a half decade ago that I would meet an amazing woman from the other side of the world in Australia. She never could have known she would travel around the world for 18 months on an “Eat, Pray, Love” journey that would pretty much end at my home in Baltimore. Several years ago, when we were still getting to know one another, we talked about how we wanted to travel the world in order to “touch, move and inspire others” as we taught relationship content. Last night, that vision became a reality and it’s only just beginning.
Stepping out in faith…to serve
Many of you will recognize the words of one of my greatest teachers who has said, “In your moments of decision, your destiny is created.” Another huge moment of decision that brought me to this place was when I finally listened to my heart about 2 1/2 years into my business and decided to specialize in relationships – despite the fact that I WASN’T EVEN IN ONE at the time. My limiting belief back then was screaming “who the hell do you think you are teaching about relationships when you’re not even in one?!? Why should anyone listen to you?!?” Luckily, I had a great coach, the amazing Debbie Battersby, who somehow seemed to read my mind when she said to me, out of the blue, “have you ever thought about coaching relationships? You’re really good at it…” When I shared my limiting belief about making that leap, she gave me the exact right words at the exact right time and it inspires me today every time I think of it. That’s why a great coach is one of the very best investments you can ever make. I’ve told her many times, she has profoundly changed my life with that one passing comment and that single nugget of coaching. I am also incredibly humbled and grateful every time I get to pay that forward and help a client change their entire life for the better in a single moment of inspiration.
You know this wasn’t about me, right?
Even though I’ve shared quite a bit of very personal information about me as a way to celebrate and acknowledge a huge personal and professional milestone, it was never really about me. It was actually a story designed to serve you because it’s always easier to get the lesson when the story is about someone else. It is not my goal to impress you. My goal is to impress UPON YOU that when you combine the audacity to dream big and create a vision with the courage to create a plan of incremental ACTION…there is no limit to what you can create in a year…five years or maybe even a decade.
So let me ask you a few questions…
With that spirit in mind, I would absolutely love it if you took a little time to consider a few profound and thought-provoking…not to mention “feeling-provoking” questions:
1) If you had it all your way, what would you want your life to look like 1 year from now?
2) If you had it all your way, what would you want your life to look like 5 years from now?
3) If you don’t already have a personal or professional vision, what would you want to include in your life’s mission statement?
4) Once you answer these 3 questions, what could you do RIGHT NOW that will take some positive action in direction of your dreams?
5) After you take that first step, what else would need to happen in order to make your vision a reality?
Please feel free to share!
As a coach, it’s my job, my mission – and my absolute pleasure – to see people step up past their fears and create a life that is a masterpiece. Incidentally, another one of my mentors, Marianne Williamson, famously said that by shining our own light, we unconsciously give others permission to step up and do the same…so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section online. (By the way, as a quick aside, that was another one of my magic moments over the last 5 years in business…I got to stand on the same stage as Marianne WIlliamson when I worked with her at a local appearance. It’s a pretty amazing feeling when the people you once looked up to from afar become peers and even friends).
In closing, I truly hope I’ve inspired you to consider what you want your life to look and feel like 5 years from now. As you do this, keep in mind that where focus goes, energy flows so step outside your comfort zone and dream big. Life will give you what you want if you have the courage to go out and make it happen. As always, if I can assist you in the process of making your life a masterpiece, please reach out and let me know how I can serve you. Here’s wishing you the life of your dreams…especially one that includes a Legendary Love for Life…